2019 Guide to Retirement
Achieving a financially successful retirement requires consistent savings, disciplined investing and a plan, yet too few Americans have calculated what it will take to be able to retire at their current lifestyle.  This chart from JP Morgan Asset Management ( for household incomes of $100,000 or more) helps investors to quickly gauge whether they are “on track” to afford their current lifestyle for 30 years in retirement based on their current age and annual household income.  This analysis uses an appropriate income replacement rate (detailed on slide 15), an estimate of how much Social Security is likely to cover and the rate of return and inflation rate assumptions detailed on the right to determine the amount of investable wealth needed today, assuming a 10% gross annual savings rate until retirement.  It is important to note that this analysis assumes a household with a primary earner who plans to retire at age 65 when the spouse is assumed to be 62.  If an investor’s current retirement savings falls short of the amount for their age and income, developing a written retirement plan tailored to their unique situation with the help of an experienced financial advisor is a recommended next step.

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