Click on the link below for a detailed analysis of quarterly performance of the global equity and fixed income markets. CLICK HERE TO READ THE 2ND QUARTER 2019- QUARTERLY MARKET REVIEW
Retirement Insights Tip #2: Longevity Risk – How can we Prepare?
Life expectancies in the United States continue to increase as more people are living to older ages than ever before. Investors need to plan on the probability of living much longer - even 30+ years in retirement. It's important to invest a portion of your portfolio for growth to maintain purchasing power over longer periods of time. Discuss a Distribution Strategy with your financial advisor. Outliving your money is a real concern for many investors. [...]
HOW EARLY AND FOR HOW LONG? Make saving for retirement a priority by investing early and often. This graph illustrates the savings and investing behavior of four people who start saving the same annual amount at different times in their lives, for different durations and with different investment choices. Be Consistent! Start Early! Be A Disciplined Investor! The power of compounding is key to success! You have to participate in the markets to be [...]
Retirement Insights Series
THE RETIREMENT EQUATION A sound retirement plan is to make the most of the things that you can control but be sure to evaluate factors that are somewhat or completely out of your control within your comprehensive retirement plan. Investment efforts are best directed toward areas where we can make a difference and away from things we can’t control. We can’t control movements in the market. We can’t control news or financial headlines. No one [...]
Trillion Dollar Club
For 20 years, we have utilized Dimensional Fund Advisors to facilitate intelligent product selection, and our philosophy parallels their approach of information based, efficient investing. The Financial Times recently sat down with Dimensional Co-CEO and Chief Investment Officer Gerard O’Reilly. The interview covers O’Reilly’s path to Dimensional, his leadership alongside Co-CEO Dave Butler, and the firm’s research-based culture and approach to investing. An interesting piece about one of DFA's own, and his path to Dimensional. Read below [...]
The Randomness of Global Equity Returns
Investment opportunities exist all around the globe. Across more than 40 countries, there are over 15,000 publicly traded companies. If you listen to the news, however, some countries may seem like better places to invest than others based on how their economies and stock markets are doing at the time. Fluctuations in performance from year to year only add to the complexity, providing little useful information about future returns. Daunted by the prospects of sorting [...]