Pursuing a Better Investment Experience #1: EMBRACE MARKET PRICING

Many investors believe that there may be a way to predict when to buy and sell securities, and it's possible that pricing errors occur in financial markets. But it's clear that investors have a very difficult time consistently exploiting these errors. Over the last five years… About 60% of actively managed large cap US equity funds have failed to beat the S&P 500 77% of mid cap funds have failed to beat the S&P 400 [...]

July 22nd, 2016|

Pursuing a Better Investment Experience

Stay tuned-in to our blog for our Ten Part Series highlighting TEN decisions that can help investors target long-term wealth in capital markets. We'll cover topics from market pricing, efficient markets and diversification; to investing with your emotions, and the Media challenging your discipline. Check back tomorrow for the first of the series: EMBRACE MARKET PRICING Enjoy this Ten principle guide to pursuing a peaceful and positive investment experience.

July 22nd, 2016|

Quarterly Market Review

Our most extensive market report...the Quarterly Market Review is now available, featuring world capital market performance and a timeline of events for the past quarter. Gain information on the performance of globally diversified portfolios last quarter, and check out the featured topic: GDP Growth and Equity Returns. Q2 Market Review

July 7th, 2016|

Weak dollar, strong dollar…

Which is it and what does it mean to you? People say it..."and the dollar is weak, too", without knowing the consequences for their own portfolio. People are still saying it without knowing that the dollar recently reached a 7 year high. The U.S. dollar is used to measure so many things around the world. It's difficult to measure the value of the one thing that measures everything else. The terms "strong" or "weak" in [...]

June 4th, 2016|

Beat the 529 deadline!

The price of college is skyrocketing! Loan availability is high, demand is high, and competition is extremely high to retain these high paying, high maintenance student lifestyles. There are so many amenities at universities today, and you and your loans are paying for them. Unlike every other industry, colleges have not passed on savings captured by technology advances to their students. If you have a future student, YOU MUST START PLANNING NOW! The most popular [...]

May 27th, 2016|

3 Things You Need to Know About Volatility

EXPECT VOLATILITY It is important to remember how well-functioning capital markets work and what prices reflect; prices reflect the aggregate expectations of market participants. Risk aversion, investors’ tastes and preferences, and expectations about future profits are among the many inputs that affect expectations. We should expect these inputs to vary day-to-day. Markets adapt to changing expectations and new information. As a result, we expect prices, as well as the level of volatility, to fluctuate. It [...]

April 24th, 2016|