Park + Elm Investing Principle #6: Practice Smart Diversification
PRINCIPLE #6 IS HERE! PRACTICE SMART DIVERSIFICATION! Download the rest of our Ebook Here to get all 10 principles!! It’s not enough to diversify by security. Deeper diversification involves geographic and asset class diversity. Holding a global portfolio helps to lower concentration in individual securities and increase diversification. Over long periods of time, investors can benefit from consistent exposure in their portfolios to both US and non-US equities. While both asset classes offer the potential to earn [...]
Today’s Video: How Much Should You Save For Retirement?
So many investors search for the answer to this question! This video discusses important factors that can help you meet your goals - like determining your savings rate, monitoring your progress, and making adjustments over time. CHECK IT OUT!!
Park + Elm Investing Principle #5: Consider the Drivers of Returns
Principle #5 is HERE! Consider the Drivers of Returns! Download the rest of our Ebook Here to get all 10 principles!! Throughout history, many of the greatest advancements in finance have come from Academia. Our investment philosophy has been shaped by decades of research by leading academics. We structure portfolios on the principles that markets are efficient; that returns are determined by asset allocation decisions, and that portfolios can be structured around dimensions of expected returns identified [...]
Today’s Video – Applying science to investing
Have you ever heard the term "Financial Science"? A strong belief in markets can free people to think and act differently about investing. By evolving with advances in financial science, our partner, Dimensional Fund Advisors, has delivered long-term results for investors. Check out today's video on applying Science to your investing strategy! Contact us today if you'd like to learn more about financial science and our partnership with DFA! 855.PARKELM or
Where’s the Value?
From 1928–2017 the value premium in the US had a positive annualized return of approximately 3.5%. In seven of the last 10 calendar years, however, the value premium in the US has been negative. This has prompted some investors to wonder if such an extended period of underperformance may be cause for concern. But are periods of underperformance in the value premium that unusual? We can look to history to help make sense of this question. short-term [...]
Park + Elm Investing Principle #4: Let Markets Work for You!
Principle #4 is HERE! Let Markets Work for You! Download the rest of our Ebook Here to get all 10 principles!! The financial markets have rewarded long-term investors. People expect a positive return on the capital they supply, and historically, the equity and bond markets throughout the world have provided growth of wealth that has more than offset inflation. Companies compete with each other for investment capital, and millions of investors compete with each other to [...]